Friday, January 25, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

TAG, I'm it
My husband
What is his name.....Nephi Ernest Harry Jones
How long did you date....4 1/2 months
Engaged.....that's a good question.
How old is he....24
Who eats more......depends on the day.
Who said I love you first.....technically Nephi. I asked and he said he did! haha.
Who is taller.....Nephi is much taller
Who can sing better....Nephi sings Dave Matthews pretty well, but if we are talking choir singing I guess that would be me...maybe Nephi.
Who is smarter?....depends on the subject matter.
Who does the laundry?.....Nephi does it for the most part! What a guy!
Who pays the bills?.....He makes the money. I disperse it as well, but we are now doing it together.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me cause I get up in the night more.
Who mows the lawn? Nephi does. He has a certain way he likes it mowed...I don't interfere.
Who cooks dinner? Me
Who drives? Nephi. I love to drive, but other people driving makes him nervous.
Who is more stubborn? That would be me.
Who kissed who first? that not a mutual thing? haha.
Who asked who out first? We were friends first and hung out at work together. I knew there was more to it so we got together at the little house and talked. It was so sweet.
Who proposed?....Nephi
Who has more friends....Nephi. We can't go anywhere in town without someone stopping us to talk to him.
Who is more sensitive?....definitely me.
Who has more siblings?....Nephi.
Who wears the pants?....We both do.

1 comment:

Genevieve said...

that's fun its always nice to here those answers to questions that are so simple but so meaningful!